Cono had built superbly and both dragon ships responded like well-trained horses to their masters' hands.
The man was bronzed by sun, tall, superbly built and with an unblemished skin.
He was a balding, superbly built man in his mid-forties, obviously the product of a strenuous daily workout "Part-time," Vinnie replied.
And she was superbly built, better than he had expected: without Alixa's grace, but trim, compact, well muscled.
His body is also superbly built for long dazzling runs past opposition players.
He was a tall man, superbly built, clad in a long unadorned silk robe.
The black man was superbly built, with a slender waist and a broad chest.
Doctor Hayes was a great, magnificent creature like Nansen, superbly built.
A superbly built man leaned against the doorpost.
Opened in 1914, the canal had a system of colossal locks that was, like its immense Gatun Dam, brilliantly conceived and superbly built.