He wore a set of thick, superbly cut furs topped by the scarlet cloak of the esper, but they couldn't disguise his lean muscular frame.
He wore a superbly cut dark-gray business suit - it had to be well cut even to approximate a frame as spherical as his - a white shirt and a conservative tie.
He was dashingly dressed in the loose clothes that the rich affected in such warm climes, but they were superbly cut and were being worn with supreme elan.
The clothes were bright and stylish - superbly cut jacket, edged with silver embroidery, over a white shirt, with lace collar and extravagant cuffs, grey leggings merging with highly polished black riding boots.
A helicopter was sent for him and shortly afterwards it clattered down on the tarmac, Bakhtiar, a thin, nervous but very elegant man who looked like a French aristocrat, with a trim moustache and superbly cut clothes, entered the pavilion and bowed before the king.
His buff coat was so superbly cut it might have been molded to his form.
Harriet admired her companion's white mini-dress; there was little of it, but what there was was superbly cut.
White should either flow in an unbroken line from the shoulder to the ground or be superbly cut and tailored.
Indeed, in his sober, superbly cut suit he gave Meg the impression that neither of these conditions would dare to intrude upon him.
He is best known for his virtuoso work on 41 of the "superbly cut" series of tiny woodcuts of the Dance of Death, designed by Hans Holbein the Younger, which Lützelburger left unfinished when he died.