SiCortex was a supercomputer manufacturer founded in 2003 and headquartered in Maynard, Massachusetts.
American supercomputer manufacturers, including Cray Research Inc., are shifting to computers based on hundreds or even thousands of microprocessors.
The second, and more complicated, deal involved supercomputers made by Cray Research Inc., the world's largest supercomputer manufacturer, based in Minnesota.
Cray Inc. is an American supercomputer manufacturer based in Seattle, Washington.
While Cray's supremacy among supercomputer manufacturers is secure, the company faces growing competition at several levels of its product line, these analysts said.
It is hoped that the initiative will continue to snowball, attracting new participants from European supercomputer manufacturers and sponsorship from wider industry into research projects.
And the goods sought for military value may just as well be produced by a supercomputer manufacturer or biotechnology company as by a munitions maker.
Cray is a supercomputer manufacturer based in Seattle, Washington.
This has been the approach of Cray Research Inc., the nation's dominant supercomputer manufacturer.
He is founding scientist of Thinking Machines Inc., a supercomputer manufacturer based in Cambridge, Mass.