Granted, federal judicial elections (which would require an amendment to the Constitution) have a certain superficial appeal.
The proposed shift had superficial appeal on management grounds - the Science Foundation has an outstanding reputation for supporting only the best work through a competitive grants process.
They evidently 'enjoy the inartistic, unbeautiful, and the superficial emotional appeal of much that they foster'.
Mr. DeLay knows that his amendment has a certain superficial appeal for Internet users, many of whom reflexively oppose cyberspace infringements of any kind.
Despite its superficial appeal, colorblindness is a false ideal.
Moving New York's primary forward would seem to have some superficial appeal.
Notwithstanding the superficial appeal of this position, Kennedy points out that the claim conflicts with the way people actually look at printed text.
Bangalore is not a place of superficial appeal.
Lawsuits, he said, enjoy "a superficial appeal which is consistent with traditional liberal rhetoric, that the little guy has the right to litigate."
"Unless a listener is discerning, empty promises will always have a superficial appeal."