Mentally, she adds, they "take the path of least resistance and exhibit a superficial stimulus-driven approach to the world."
Criticism of this type of film-making argued that these films did not treat their subject with profoundness, instead taking a superficial approach to the issues.
But is also doesn't want superficial, games-only approach to a big story.
The scheme has been criticized for its methodology and superficial approach, especially for old buildings.
Such a superficial approach to other traditions only debases all classics and cultures.
Because of this, the term "coffee table book" can be used pejoratively to indicate a superficial approach to the subject.
The same superficial approach is used all the way through American history, even when the show gets to what it calls the golden age of gospel, 1945 to 1955.
The effect was a kind of scatter-shot, superficial approach lacking substance.
Critics of Pornomiseria argued that these films did not treat their subject with profoundness, but took a superficial approach to the issues.
These are age-old problems that deserve a less superficial approach and which cannot be addressed with a decree rushed through Parliament to satisfy public opinion.