Moreover, not even a superficial attempt is made to determine their awareness of their responsibilities as parents.
Erin and January Carr and some other children frequently reject her superficial, half-hearted attempts at therapy.
As Seth notes on his blog, Song was a superficial attempt to create a new airline with a new value proposition.
The superficial attempts to provide medication might as well not have been given if food didn't accompany it.
Memorials like this can seem easy and superficial attempts at expiation, covering over, perhaps, a lack of fundamental social reform or change of attitude.
But what makes the design more than a superficial attempt to spice up the European Union's image is its subtle relationship to 20th-century architectural history.
The 1868 redistribution had proved unsatisfactory and there had been only superficial attempts to match the numbers of representatives to the population of a constituency.
"Do not engage us in superficial attempts at sympathy," we say.
And the implied parallel between Toons and blacks seems to me to be a superficial attempt to inject significance.
The film's black humor springs from the contrast between the bleakness of Flint's unemployment problem and what are portrayed as hopelessly superficial attempts to do something about it.