The doctor, a black man, is a superficial character of exaggerated cool, religious fervor and physicality.
And much of the film is devoted to character studies, albeit of oddball and somewhat superficial characters.
The superficial character of this answer is easily recognized by means of a simple parallel.
Nor are scientists at one as to the relative rank of these superficial characters".
These measures share the superficial character of their installation given their low environmental impact.
It's a nice try, but Tek War is undone by superficial characters and stilted dialogue.
I don't know what it's satirising, but this is not a cartoon with superficial, naive characters.
However, success is possible: humans only selected for superficial characters and as a rule did not change inner mechanisms such as digestion.
He's a superficial character, who builds his friendships on fun rather than trust.
By the fall of 1899, development was described as "of the most superficial character," although Frenzel had driven one tunnel 18 feet into the rock.