Even my superficial observations have begun to reveal a pattern of profound stress resulting from the impact of human and Tanu cultures.
I am against falling into despair because of superficial observations such as the foregoing.
In its day, "Hay Fever" was widely dismissed as a superficial, plotless observation of silly people not worth observing.
And if a somewhat superficial observation means anything, the times and places are multiplying.
In fact it incorporates only very superficial observations.
Inevitably, such cynical and superficial observations generate misleading conclusions.
However, field measurements and even superficial observations, reveal that natural formations are generally heterogeneous.
And surely you have more knowledge of the Orcans than our researchers can dig out of books, data banks, and superficial observation.
Aside from a few superficial observations, I didn't have much to contribute, which seemed strange to me somehow, given the sense of distress I was feeling.
As in non-diabetic tissues, little morphological difference could be resolved by superficial observation between transparent and cataractous diabetic lenses [ 16 17 18 ] .