For her mother's sake, she tried hard to maintain a superficial relationship with her father.
"There are more relationships, but also more superficial relationships."
They lived in ivory towers and contemplated, rarely bothering to note the superficial relationships and events of the mundane world.
After encouragement of her father, Vittorio, enters a superficial relationship with the Pole.
Although there usually is less conflict in superficial relationships, Rego says, "You don't get the richness of human connection."
Still, Mrs. Struck said she and her husband, a teacher, had a superficial relationship with their Palestinian neighbors, shopping at their stores, even attending some parties.
They tend to have only superficial relationships, and their emotional expressions and speech often seem not to be genuine or to lack a depth of feeling.
Critics cited the superficial relationships between the sisters as a weakness.
It's never been easy for him, and after being in the Senate for 20 years, he's used to being around people who accept and trade on superficial relationships.
You keep your relationships pleasant, superficial, and covertly dishonest.