Spermatids are connected by cytoplasmic material and have superfluous cytoplasmic material around their nuclei.
The use of the board for superfluous material should be discouraged, since it should be used to make a learning sequence meaningful.
There is very little superfluous material in Mr. Bergman's screenplay.
(v) inability to identify the main points (for your specific task) and separate these from secondary ideas, relevant supporting information, or superfluous material.
Two-piece swimsuits without the usual skirt panel and other superfluous material started appearing in the US when the government ordered a 10% reduction in fabric used in woman's swimwear in 1943 as wartime rationing.
Reducing the overall weight of a sleeping bag by eliminating superfluous material will reduce its weight.
Justinian, believing that a bath in the spring had cured him of calculus, thriftily enlarged the church by means of the superfluous material that remained after the completion of Hagia Sophia.
The bad news is that Goblet of Fire (the book) contains so much superfluous material that, even after losing a huge chunk of it, Goblet of Fire (the film) feels too crowded by half.
The cutting process then profiles the teeth of the wheels and pinions by means of a million-cutter that removes any superfluous material until the perfect profile is achieved.
The former allows correcting errors, and removing superfluous or undesired material, rearranging it, applying slow-motion and repetitions, and other techniques to enhance the program.