This soft material provides superior comfort during frequent or long dives.
The 650 cc offered superior comfort and stability with its handling at least equivalent to the competition.
The Concorde Lounge at Kennedy International Airport is designed to provide superior comfort to passengers on the British Airways supersonic jet.
Triple-layer padding provides superior comfort.
Here, in superior comfort, dollars were smoothly extracted.
It is loaded with superior comfort and safety features, such as 5 point safety harnesses, dual parking brakes and dual reclining seats.
A marriage must offer its members emotional, spiritual, and physical comforts superior to those to be found in living alone if that prime function is to be accomplished.
Softer rear suspension for superior comfort for the pillion rider as well.
Did not these savage Newcomers (another popular epithet), bound up in their tight-fitting sleeves, buttons, and collars, appreciate the superior comfort and versatility of blankets?
Perfect fit for newborn and superior comfort for the parent!