It's the superior method for developing estimates of average issue readership.
Eventually the pharmacy community adopted the use of a counting machine as a superior method to hand-counting medications.
The point method is a superior and widely used method of evaluating jobs.
In fact, I am of the opinion that with my superior methods, your experience will surpass any other.
Higher speeds are achieved as a result of superior coding methods, and the ability to use multiple time slots to increase data throughput.
As a new physician, Hefti chose to take a two year hiatus to find a superior method to the one being used at the time.
Americans seemed obsessed with proving karate was a superior method of fighting.
I hope you and Commander Weaver worked out a superior method of air recharge this time.
The primary advantage humans have over most land animals is a superior method of cooling themselves.
Their superior methods of waste-free - what a fine new book* calls 'lean'- production and close relations with suppliers cannot work across oceans.