His twin brother, the businessman, has done a superlative job and has brought men to an unprecedented material prosperity.
As for Brakmaktin... if he was hiding, he had done a superlative job of it.
Even so, the Unity did a superlative job of simulating natural materials.
Jolie wanted to applaud; Orlene had done a superlative job!
You both did a superlative job in here.
Uhura's voice was clear and sharp; Scotty and his people had done a superlative job on short notice.
Whoever had killed him had done a superlative job.
The lab's model division had done a superlative job, and actually had characterized the leading players.
I did not care to do that; she had done a truly superlative job of this emulation.
"Once again I have to commend you two on a superlative job," he said when everyone had gotten comfortably settled.