And once you've tried a recently plucked banana you will wonder how you ever coped with the supermarket variety back home.
One is to select a good curry powder (supermarket varieties are acceptable but dull).
In short, all real sherry is good (you should stay away from the fake, supermarket variety), and bottles costing $10 or so are more than acceptable.
The original Bircher-Benner recipe is proportionately the opposite of most muesli available in today's supermarket varieties, calling for far more fruit than grains.
Let me tell you, once you've tried organically grown vegetables you'll never eat one of those plastic supermarket varieties again.
Mr. McGee couldn't with certainty answer my next question, which was, "Are name-brand frozen vegetables higher quality than supermarket varieties?"
The supermarket variety is good for something, after all.
It was far more dynamic than its imitators, and noticeably better than the supermarket variety.
Farm fresh eggs look different from the supermarket variety.
It did not list monosodium glutamate, found in the supermarket variety, but that still does not make it nutritionally useful.