Because there's been an unusual amount of supernatural activity in this area in the past week or two.
Psionics are the major mode of supernatural activity on Athas.
To say that demons still speak is accepting a current supernatural activity of demons.
According to Allen's book, supernatural activity began soon after Aunt Harriet's death.
Since long ago it has been a place full of myths and legends about supernatural activities and ones without obvious explanation.
Since the late twentieth century, the mountain has become a major hub of alleged supernatural activity.
He also ages very slowly (although he's not immortal) and can preternaturally sense supernatural activity.
In the 17th century the then rural Edmonton had a reputation for supernatural activities.
Numerous other African American leaders were similarly implicated in supernatural activities due to these beliefs.
However, Danny soon realizes that his presence in the hotel makes the supernatural activity more powerful, turning echoes of past tragedies into dangerous threats.