The name is also used for supernatural characters in some role-playing games, whose scream serves as a deadly weapon.
There is no supernatural or magical character or event.
Various other expansion packs introduce supernatural characters which Sims can be turned into.
Most of the books feature supernatural characters blending with the modern world and are usually set in big cities.
"But I thought your folk feared it because of its supposed supernatural character."
But at no point do these fine artists seem possessed by their slightly supernatural characters.
Though Hymen is the first supernatural character to appear in the play, the many references to magic have prepared the way for his arrival.
After all, in movies, she emphasized, "supernatural characters tearing up the place are no problem at all."
Elizabeth herself was convinced of their supernatural character, as she states in a letter to Hildegard; her brother held the same opinion.
Amon: A mysterious man with plans for the supernatural characters.