No dependence of phenomena on a supernatural reality is asserted in order to explain the behaviour of matter.
Two, Ramayana is not a supernatural reality for us, as it is ingrained in us.
The game combines the supernatural with mundane reality, with campaigns often set in the modern world.
The cosmological map encompassed real, knowable locations, whether in this world or the supernatural reality of the Otherworld.
Martin, however, belongs to a time when many serious intellectuals no longer believed in a hidden supernatural reality.
Assertions that werecats truly exist and have an origin in supernatural or religious realities have been common for centuries, with these beliefs often being hard to entirely separate from folklore.
The supernatural realities that haunted the earlier work declined and were replaced by a humanistic perspective, a change reflected in his public criticism of orthodox Catholic teaching.
His or her belief, as we have defined it, does not rest upon privileged insight into a supernatural reality hidden from the unbeliever.
But I shall excommu- nicate the next priest who talks of failure or implies that there is any supernatural reality in Sathanas.
Nowhere, they argue, is it necessary to introduce God or the supernatural to understand reality.