During times of conflict, opposition has been particularly vehement as people are more likely to call on the supernatural realm.
Written during her late teenage years, Enchant revolved around the supernatural realm and its effect on the modern-day world.
Something you should keep in mind about the supernatural realms.
Only by special dispensation can mortals enter any of the supernatural realms.
But the core emotions are strong and solid, which serves "Wendigo" well as it moves into the supernatural realm.
God is known indirectly through an awareness of the relationships or links between various aspects of both the physical and supernatural realms.
"Life without war is impossible in the natural or the supernatural realm."
But even this points to a living belief in the supernatural realm.
Strong naturalism - without belief in supernatural realms, afterlives, beings or forces.
His work uses animals to interpret those forms as intermediaries between the natural and supernatural realms.