Kenyon later became connected with well-known Pentecostal leaders and wrote about supernatural revelation and positive declarations.
A companion book, Surprised by the Voice of God, argues for contemporary prophecy and supernatural revelation.
Thomas believed that truth is known through reason (natural revelation) and faith (supernatural revelation).
Most religions have an ethical component, often derived from purported supernatural revelation or guidance.
They valued their minds and were willing to rely on themselves without need of magical powers or supernatural revelations as substitutes for thinking.
A similar phenomenon is that of those (referred to as "mysticalists") who base their claim to the papacy on supposed personal supernatural revelations.
If any person may claim supernatural revelation superior to the civil law, then there would be chaos, and Hobbes' fervent desire is to avoid this.
These are not laws or "truths" that Jesus received through some supernatural "revelation" according to Christian deism.
There had been no supernatural revelations, no clues from beyond the grave, merely images generated by the twitches of brain cells.
Wegscheider was a leading figure of dogmatic theological rationalism - for instance, he considered supernatural revelation to be an impossibility.