Such a thing was unheard of, and it clouded their superstitious minds with all manner of vague fears.
Ease their superstitious minds.
Voodoo rites, with their appeal to superstitious minds, could gain strong roots if planted in suitable soil.
It dwindled toward the window, and both horror and relief dominated Jose's superstitious mind.
It's a signature of the superstitious mind.
He laughed at his own sudden, irrational fear of a creature that existed only in superstitious minds.
Or perhaps he was lying about everything, and the spell he described was a fantasy of his naïve, superstitious mind, and he would not do anything.
Wherever this superstitious mind is at work, there you will also find John Kenneth Galbraith deplored and reviled.
The Old'un was of a superstitious mind.
The events he was witnessing were like something from the superstitious mind of a Mabden.