Additionally, some judges in the designated districts have been supervising lawyers to test different levels of monitoring.
Broad powers should be vested in district court judges to supervise, regulate and remove lawyers who do not or cannot meet requisite high standards of competence and civility.
The report also proposed that judges supervise lawyers during voir dire, both to speed up proceedings and to reduce what many jurors described as abusive questioning.
In 1996, her primary responsibility became homicide prosecutions, but she also supervised lawyers in the Felony division.
Although there are no formal methods for supervising lawyers on the job, Mr. Gilleece said, "If attorneys don't know what they are doing, I presume they will inquire of other attorneys."
The Chancellor, roughly the Attorney General of Sweden, acts, besides supervising lawyers and public officials, as a special prosecutor in several cases.
This clinic is a Student Legal Aid Services Society (SLASS) clinic, which is staffed primarily by volunteer law students and overseen by supervising lawyers, called review counsel.
Once hired, the family office supervises all the advisors, lawyers, and bankers who manage the family's money.
He supervises six even younger lawyers and associates from 30 firms who donate their time.
She is a director in the enforcement division of the New York Stock Exchange, where she supervises lawyers who enforce securities laws and the exchange rules.