Kelleher continued to supervise the Met store's expansion throughout the 1950s and 1960s.
Hassan supervised the construction of the nuclear research laboratories, facilities and testing laboratories throughout the country.
The high school English coordinator supervises libraries and audio-visual services throughout the district.
Moffett supervised the development of naval air tactics throughout the '20s.
Supervising a group of learners throughout the whole of their training is very satisfying for the clinical teacher.
Even so, military commanders in Baghdad are criticized for not sufficiently supervising the prison systems throughout Iraq, according to officials briefed on the findings.
Studying the communication process is important because you coach, coordinate, evaluate, and supervise throughout this process.
He was exhausted from hours of supervising damage-control repairs throughout the ship.
In this capacity he supervised the construction of railways, barracks, wharves, and shelters throughout France.
This is the first time the mission was a truly regional one, supervising missionary work throughout much of the eastern United States.