Accomplished supervisory or nonsupervisory duties in an outstanding manner, setting an example of achievement for others to follow.
An archpriest is a priest with supervisory duties over a number of parishes.
I'm being put in as a pakad, which is still a significant drop from my army rank, but with major supervisory duties and plenty of action.
Freed from supervisory duties, some politicians might even think about conserving energy themselves.
You yourself are relieved of all supervisory duties for a similar period.
This includes supervisory duties, such as study hall.
But in two related cases, the board ruled that workers with limited supervisory duties were not supervisors.
Then I order you to assume general supervisory duties until you regain contact.
While performing supervisory duties he continued to draw for some books, notably Tarzan from 1972 to 1975.
Four teachers do supervisory duties in the hostel and live on the premises.