In those cases, the Court ruled that employers generally had to take "reasonable care" to prevent supervisory employees from harassing lower level workers.
Until now, only supervisory employees who volunteered to participate were known to have been tested in the program, which was announced by the agency in September.
The rules establish the following: *Employers are responsible for harassment engaged in by their supervisory employees.
Due to its history as an oil town, the city is often visited by moneyed foreigners, often engineers and supervisory employees and technicians of oil companies.
The Legislature directed that only supervisory employees, many of whom are no longer covered by union contracts or Civil Service, get the budget ax.
"It was a network of employees, higher level supervisory employees," Charles C. Mantle, regional director of the Customs Office of Internal Affairs, said.
The house was constructed for the Youngstown Mines Corporation, presumably for the families of administrative or supervisory employees.
One is the hostile environment case of the type the Court addressed in the 1986 Meritor decision, in which an employer was not automatically liable for the misdeeds of supervisory employees.
At the same time, many corporations began to use new information technology as a substitute for supervisory employees.
They can be liable for even those harassing acts of supervisory employees that violate clear policies and of which top management has no knowledge.