All other supervisory ranks were shifted one level up from the old system to the current system.
He said the new salaries would help to attract the "best and the brightest" into the supervisory ranks.
They remain in service today, numbering approximately 275, with their own supervisory ranks to the second level (Lt.).
Other civilian (non-sworn) employees have their own supervisory ranks, depending on position and job classifications.
Lieutenant is the first supervisory rank in a command structure that includes captains and chiefs.
Within the British police, sergeant is the first supervisory rank.
It is a supervisory rank above the rank-and-file prison officer.
All experienced investigators with supervisory rank, their job was to keep the Bureau clean.
Within the British police, inspector is the second supervisory rank.
Fewer than 1 percent of officers currently have more than 30 years on the job, and most are in the supervisory ranks.