While the final pieces of the military hardware puzzle are not scheduled to arrive in the Persian Gulf for another few days, they will supplement existing forces.
Any such reduction will require that reservists continue to be used to supplement active forces.
While the administration is still courting foreign capitals for troops to supplement and replace American forces in Iraq, General Pace cautioned, "Hope is not a plan."
National Guard units can be mobilized at any time by presidential order to supplement regular armed forces, and upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state in which they serve.
At least three other northern New Jersey counties - Essex, Bergen and Union - have small county departments that supplement municipal forces, as Hudson's does.
A battalion of Marines was airlifted to Udon, to supplement forces already there.
The reorganization, which was implemented on March 21, served to supplement forces engaged in the defense of frontier settlements of present-day western Pennsylvania and vicinity from Indian raids that had started in early 1777.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress, the President or the Secretary of Defense.
Next he moved against the barbarian mercenaries that had been gathered by Aurelian to supplement Roman forces for his Eastern campaign.
The foreign governors were forced to organize units of gendarmerie from Cretans to supplement their own police and military forces, and a separate force was formed in each prefecture.