These refuge shares are usually left in the field as supplemental food for wildlife.
No attempt was made to cull the swollen herds or maintain them with supplemental food.
Abhisit also promised many populist policies including providing free education, textbooks, milk, and supplemental foods for nursery school students and increasing the minimum wage.
We swore that no supplemental food would be eaten during this test.
The wrist-winged gliders are omnivorous, specialising on sap and nectar, but taking a wide variety of supplemental foods.
International relief agencies are able to supply supplemental food to 700,000 people deemed to be "at risk."
Birds come to feeders for supplemental food, she said.
He said Table to Table handed out about 300,000 pounds of "supplemental foods, like desserts and breads" a year.
WIC offers supplemental food to those vulnerable to malnutrition, helping to reduce infant mortality and increase birth weight.
By providing supplemental food to those at nutritional risk, this program helps reduce infant mortality and increases birthweight.