They are not allowed to make a profit off this basic insurance, but can on supplemental plans.
The agency argued that its policy against supplemental plans was necessary to deter companies from abandoning their pension plans.
The big change in pensions is the proliferation of supplemental plans financed chiefly from employee rather than company contributions.
While many older people obtain drug coverage through H.M.O.'s, their former employers' plans or other supplemental plans, such coverage is often expensive and limited.
You get into a gray area as to who can contribute to a supplemental or nonqualified plan.
I am a senior citizen on Medicare and I have a supplemental plan with a hefty deductible.
But before a vote could be held, Ryland's board produced a second supplemental plan, just for Mr. Dreier, who signed a five-year contract in April.
You can obtain supplemental plans from many travel agents and private insurers.
In some provinces, private supplemental plans are available for those who desire private rooms if they are hospitalized.
About half of it came from the company's regular plan and half from a supplemental plan for executives.