Questions by visitors to experts and candidates should be collected and posted with answers, fully referenced with supplemental reading available from a wide variety of sources.
Faculty members were always free to assign supplemental reading.
For supplemental reading, check out the great male American writers (Roth, Updike, Mailer).
It has a library for supplemental reading and research.
The course consists of presentations, panel discussions and student working groups, and includes practical exercises where students apply knowledge gained during the classroom sessions and supplemental readings.
The article "How Comic Books are Made from Idea to Print" was the supplemental reading.
No entry exceeds more than about 200 words, so supplemental reading is a must.
This book is required supplemental reading in the first year program at many U.S. law schools.
The school has a purpose-built library with over 9,000 volumes for reference work and for supplemental reading.
Described by the author as "supplemental reading" rather than a primary text, it remains in print.