Prisoners were not allowed to purchase or receive supplementary food.
Save the Children provides things like transport and supplementary food for workers and their families.
Studies have been conducted on screening methods for environmental estrogens present in manufactured supplementary food, with the purpose to enable reproduction of endangered species.
In Somalia, Unicef has been providing medical supplies, essential drugs and special supplementary foods for children to health facilities.
During lean times, however, females grow desperate for the male's supplementary food.
However, as noted above, in years with little supplementary food only one young in 3 may survive to fledging.
The robust grazers can survive without supplementary food during the winter and roam freely in the natural landscape of Keent the whole year.
Wildlife Alliance continues to provide hands-off assistance and supplementary food at the enclosure location for as long as necessary.
They could buy meals or supplementary foods at the canteen.
Such home-made weaning and supplementary foods eliminate the economic burden of purchasing prepared formulas at market prices.