A controlled 2-mo dietary fat reduction and soy food supplementation study in postmenopausal women.
A review of the scientific literature concluded that selenium yeast from reputable manufacturers is adequately characterised, of reproducible quality, and shows no evidence of toxicity in long-term supplementation studies at doses as high as 400 and 800 micrograms per day (exceeding the EC tolerable upper intake level of 300 micrograms per day).
A European multicentre, placebo-controlled supplementation study with alpha-tocopherol, carotene-rich palm oil, lutein or lycopene: analysis of serum responses.
So far, most human supplementation studies about vitamin E have used only α-tocopherol.
In two separate supplementation studies involving SCD subjects, changes in the fatty acid composition of red cell phospholipids were obtained after supplementation with fish oil containing high amounts of long-chain polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids.