Israel, the Netherlands itself and other East African suppliers all sell into the European flower market.
For example when the supplier sells paper and the buyer is a book publisher.
He added that this should help smaller suppliers sell to NHS trusts.
In those cases, suppliers will probably sell fuel to homeowners tax-free and apply for refunds themselves.
The supplier from whom you bought the stock probably sells stocks of other types.
When prices rise, a refiner can make an immediate profit by selling more gasoline; if all suppliers sell more, the price is pushed back down.
Although the supplier will also sell drugs not on the list, they will cost the patient more, sometimes much more than the listed drugs.
A monopoly is a structure in which a single supplier produces and sells a given product.
His suppliers had sold to him for some years, and had sufficient confidence in him to hold their clip until he made contact.
- It has been established that the supplier of the identical/similar goods sells at different prices depending on the quantity ordered.