A network of middlemen, some operating in Dubai, apparently with close ties to the Pakistani scientists, operated with comparative freedom, supplying both Iran and Libya.
Prosecutors say he received $34 million for supplying Libya with components for centrifuges capable of enriching uranium.
A Japanese company supplied Libya with the technology, and the sale was apparently arranged directly with the Japanese instead of through middlemen.
However, during the process, they also inadvertently destroyed part of the pipeline system supplying west Libya as well as the east.
Using contacts from his C.I.A. days, he supplied Libya with explosives and trained Libyan terrorists in their use, enriching himself at America's expense.
Its former chief nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, formed a global nuclear network that investigators say supplied Iran, North Korea and Libya with nuclear-related technology.
The United States believes that several European countries have in recent years supplied Libya with various components of weapons programs, including production facilities for rockets and precursors to chemical and biological weapons.
Libya next tried to obtain an aerial refueling system from Moscow, which has supplied Libya with six SU-24 fighter-bombers.
According to American and European investigators, the network that supplied Libya was enormously complex, and not all the paths led directly back to the Khan laboratory.
Some Member States have been supplying Libya with weapons and even with torture equipment for years.