Her diary's historical value is considerable, as supplying precise dates for many events, both public and domestic, of the period immediately after the Restoration.
Authorities began stockpiling supplies such as food, blankets and water that could supply 20,000 people after the storm.
The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not an eye witness's memory can be altered by information supplied to them after an event.
The nations agreed this week to supply troops after a visit by American officials.
Israel supplied Georgia with firearms after the war.
These features supply a visual and harmonious connection between the original style of the church and its appearance after reconstruction.
Banks was making the arrangements to supply the allied armies after the Battle of Normandy.
Such historical thought was still part of that consciousness which comes on the scene too late and supplies a justification after the fact.
She supplied the herbs, after a little preparation of her own, and he did the rest.
In Season 1, each team would vote for a team and supply a reason to the vote after each challenge.