Players must manually create transport task forces to supply isolated bases.
The United States then used Kwajalein as a maintenance and supply hub, supplying forward bases with supplies and equipment.
The Army built the 97-acre waterfront complex in 1918 as a shipping operation to supply military bases around the world.
Transport fleets supplying bases can be protected by unlisted destroyers and cruisers, but will not engage an enemy fleet.
After a brief drydocking she supplied ships and bases from Iceland to Trinidad.
On 19 September she left Boston on the first of three trips supplying American bases in Newfoundland with general cargo.
The Mathilda Desgagnes was the name of a cargo vessel built to supply bases in the Canadian Arctic.
Over the next eight months, Beaverhead plied the waters of the Philippines, supplying various American bases.
In addition she supplied American bases in the Aleutian Islands.
She supplied the ships and bases of the Squadron until it was divided in February 1862.