It has already signed 150 American and 75 foreign companies to supply content for Microsoft Network.
Mr. Feltheimer also said that the film library would supply content for CinemaNow - a fledgling video-on-demand business that the studio controls.
"It is being restructured so that Advance Net can supply automated content," Ms. Kaplan said.
NTIS has supplied high-volume e-Training infrastructure and content to Federal Agencies since 1998.
In 1935, Chesler established a "packaging" studio in Manhattan that supplied comic-book content to publishers testing the waters of the emerging medium.
Meanwhile, media companies and others that supply content have found that syndicators have given them a much-needed revenue source.
On the previous Mix Network, stations were traditionally supplied syndicated content using a dedicated satellite network, which proved costly and relatively inflexible.
Blockbuster supplies content.
On the other, it owns one of the world's largest music labels to supply content.
That's the whole idea, the notion of, like, posting comments to blogs and all of the Facebook/MySpace stuff where users are able to supply content.