The British also supplied funding to the peace bands and sometimes directed their operations.
This school only came into existence after the government supplied funding after making a substantial amount of money through an unpopular beer and spirits tax.
The foundation supplied further funding for the 1959 and 1963 conferences.
For the next two years the movement grew tremendously as Sahrawi refugees continued flocking to the camps and Algeria and Libya supplied arms and funding.
His uncle supplied funding so that he could travel and paint in Italy starting in 1840.
At least the trade unions are completely open about why they supply funding, at least the money they hand over comes from many individual donations voluntarily given.
The National Science Foundation recently supplied funding for digitization that currently is underway and should soon be available by searching the herbarium on the Internet.
Under the new agreements, the NRO was supposed to supply funding for the effort, and on 18 November they agreed.
He began the construction in late 1892, with the industrialist Carl Berg supplying the aluminium and necessary funding.
He also supported a failed tax increase to supply higher funding to higher education.