The interest rate can also describe the rate of return from supplying or lending loanable funds.
A $600,000 mortgage was immediately raised on the properties, to supply the purchase money and funds for rebuilding the furnace.
It is a Federal crime, today, for anyone in this country to supply funds for terrorist actions anywhere in the world.
This is primarily done by some form of guarantee that limits the risk of capital losses to those supplying funds.
In this office he promoted many cultural initiatives by supplying funds and an organizational roof.
The endowment supplies funds to two parallel groups managed by the Democratic and Republican parties.
We are told that we must get the Council to supply funds for the pro-Constitution campaigns.
The Eagles were excluded from the 1998-99 season after not being able to supply enough funds to run the team for the upcoming season.
The hunger strike could have easily been avoided but ended up supplying recruits and funds.
Fuji said it would supply short-term funds only if the loan was backed by collateral.