Remembering how low his supply was getting he became a little jittery to think that more might not be forthcoming.
The heart works hard to pump blood to the entire body, and it needs its own supply of blood to get the job done.
The supplies might have simply gotten used up but weren't replaced.
As a result, no supplies got through to either panzer division on that day.
Those supplies and a generous amount of elbow grease had gotten the job done so far.
"I'll see to it that you have some supplies to get you through the first few days or so."
One thing we've learned at the front is that supplies get used up much faster than expected.
Inevitably, some food would be wasted or end up on the black market, but most supplies would get through.
Then one or two years later, how much will the cable giant have to spend as supply of addresses gets tighter?
"We don't have enough supplies to get even halfway home."