McNeil supplied a surgeon and instruments, the departed Porter having previously commandeered all medical equipment.
Principally a producer of blood plasma-based products, a field in which it is the European leader, the company also supplies devices, instruments and reagents for clinical testing laboratories.
The company grew rapidly after World War II, supplying compasses and other navigational instruments to both civilian and military markets.
A manufacturer has to supply instruments to a national laboratory which tests one of them and if it meets its claims issue a formal Pattern Approval certificate.
Soon the Roth company was once more supplying instruments to Europe and the USA.
The band supplies most instruments on a loan basis and the band also provides tuition to any member requiring such assistance.
He supplied instruments to Martin Frobisher.
Also on Franklin's recommendation, he was asked to supply instruments for the fire-damaged collection at Harvard.
Many organ builders supplied instruments to theatres.
It was also available as a just the basic carriage for US$3000 in 2003, with the buyer supplying his or her own canopy, instruments, engine and propeller.