Usually fully regressed before birth, its purpose is to supply nutrients to the developing lens in the growing fetus.
The primary function of the heart is to supply blood and nutrients to the body.
Untreated sewage can supply additional nutrients, thus turning two pollutants into valuable commodities.
Also, when food is imbued with values beyond supplying nutrients and satisfying hunger, the stage is set for problems.
A healthy blood supply is necessary to supply nutrients and oxygen to the eye.
It is vital to supply nutrients to this type of planting media on a regular schedule.
Blood acts a buffer and also supplies nutrients to the heart during ischemia.
They supply nutrients to the surrounding neurons and also have some structural function.
It's pretty amazing stuff, considering how it wards off infections while supplying nutrients to every cell in the human body.
A human may still supply nutrients and dispose of waste products if the artificial uterus is connected to her (or, potentially, him).