Previously known for their supply of metals, they are now known for their wine and traditional crafts.
Rudge tells the Doctor that the Mogarians are trying to regain the supply of metals stored in the vault.
In addition, it actually has more total industry than Sphinx, despite its limited planetary supply of metals, because of Manticore-B's extensive asteroid belts.
It can be used to run a processing machine continuously, as opposed to having to restart such machine with a new supply of metals.
The Hungarian national bank depleted its supply of precious metals and foreign currency during a period of a few weeks in 1931.
The supply of heavy metals for our fission plants is limited, but now we shall be able to draw unlimited power from integration plants.
Jewelry making began well before the arrival of the Spanish, with mines providing supplies of metals and stones.
Throughout history, governments have been known to create more coinage than their supply of precious metals would allow.
In his maiden speech, he spoke of the need for better supply of metals to the factories of his constituency.
But if it continues, and the supply of metals slows as the mining machinery breaks down, the Empire could be in serious trouble.