They supply high-quality fine paper used as office paper and packaging.
Smythson of Bond Street, which supplies paper to the British royal family, still uses hand-chiseled dies.
This well-respected establishment had a history dating back to 1355 and supplied paper to the Ministry of Finance for currency manufacture.
One of the several mills that was supplying paper for mass-market publishers has announced that it would stop producing groundwood specialties.
As a sketch was completed then the paper roll was advanced to supply more clear paper.
The other reason, he said, is that there is an extraordinary consolidation among the companies that supply paper, distribute the magazines and sell advertising.
This unit supplies paper for various industries all over AP&TN.
The company plans to use about half of the $500 million to consolidate its imaging-products business, which supplies film, paper and equipment for photo-processing.
Westminster supplies only black paper and waxes in gold, silver and copper.
The mill supplied paper used for postage stamps.