I've found garden hoses supplying people with their drinking water instead copper piping, where there were very bad previous renovations.
For now, they say, it is a low-key enterprise supplying people who largely know one another.
"It's a metropolitan game, basically, but we supply people around the country," Mr. Gevarter said.
I can't supply people and we have to start here, not over in the capital.
Often it was just a matter of supplying people with food and drink, so that they could continue through the day without getting irritable.
The train stations could sell something else rather then supplying people with beer for their ride home.
Easier may mean the further elimination of work for photographers, who supply people like Ms. Miller and fashion publications with runway photographs.
When there was a great water shortage in 1870, a fountain to supply people with water, was built which was fed by a natural spring.
The river Szenke has been dominating the village's history and life during centuries, supplying people with fish.
But the AIDS fund will be supplying very few people with medicine in its initial phase.