His testimony came mostly in a videotape he helped the defense lawyers make last year, supplying photographs, home movies and all of the narration.
Tomorrow's rag would supply photographs and complete details.
Chief Fahey said the department routinely supplies free photographs to news organizations and has provided the same courtesy to other authors.
He became the master of the Childs' wine cellar and supplied photographs and illustrations for her cookbooks.
When they discovered that they knew the same thing, Simon became a partner and agreed to supply aerial photographs.
At its peak, the Central Press supplied features, columns, and photographs to more than 400 newspapers and 12 million daily readers.
The company supplied Formica and photographs that enabled the museum staff to reconstruct the kitchen.
They would refuse to supply photographs for scholarly books.
And from his Manhattan studio, he supplied sound recordings and photographs to railroad buffs.
The company recently signed an agreement with Amazon.com to supply photographs for its on-line greeting cards.