The LBA funds were intended to supply relief to drought victims.
The opposition has been accusing the Government of failing to supply minimum relief to flood victims and has demanded its resignation.
The Fed has supplied relief to offset past panics, which it has defined as moments in which markets seize up.
We will supply humanitarian relief, bring the economic sanctions to a swift close, work for the long-term recovery of Iraq's economy.
Interspersed between tragic stories are a few songs supplying pointed but comic relief.
During the flood of 1998 Noor went to Nilphamari to supply relief where he met with local political leaders.
Kay supplies occasional comic relief in the book, but ultimately fights and dies with honor in the last battle against Mordred's host.
The pump manufacturer normally has the option to supply internal relief or safety valves.
He used gold leaf extensively and supplied relief to features like haloes with a plaster technique known as pargeting.
Moreover, he said, Iran had long been supplying humanitarian relief to the Iraqis; the United States has not.