NOs support this work by raising funds, supplying human resources and helping to design and evaluate field programs.
To supply resources both online and offline for the general public and members.
The Publishing Board supplies books, text books, curriculum and other resources to over 36,000 churches.
As a result, half of this ecoregion's mangrove forests have been cut down to supply fuelwood and other natural resources.
It is by no means clear that the afflicted nations and international organizations are supplying sufficient resources.
In those and Beta's moons the families are small, independent, and not inclined to trust outsiders to supply needed resources.
The organization focuses strictly on supplying resources to raise the poor to a level of self-sufficiency.
Schools became technologically more advanced and adapted to supply resources for this growing demand and change of focus.
This project intends to supply resources and funds towards diversity proposals offered by students, campus organizations, faculty, and staff.
Time supplied resources and the money for a direct-mail test of the proposed magazine, described as "the first black news magazine guaranteed to inform you."