Scallop hatcheries provide a number of advantages over traditional spat collection for supplying seed to aquaculture operations, most notably in selective breeding and genetic manipulation, as well as providing a regular supply of spat at a low price.
Scientific research expanded and Kew became essential to the developing Empire, supplying seed, crops, personnel and horticultural advice to the colonies.
Privatisation left ADMARC short of funds to supply fertilizer and seed to smallholders, and it was unable to give credit.
At first, success was limited, but from 1916, the company increased African production by allocating land, supplying seed, giving instruction and providing suitable storage barns for its tenants.
Their Tuareg patrons were usually responsible for supplying agricultural tools, seed and clothing.
These larger companies supply seed both to commercial resellers and wholesalers.
Kaytee was formed in 1866 by William N. Knauf and Frank Tesch (K & T) as a feed mill which supplied seed to farmers.
There the exemption clause, according to its wording limited the liability of some seed merchants (for supplying defective seed) to the cost of replacing the seed; it excluded liability for consequential loss of the buyers' crop.
He called on NGOs to supply food and seed to the affected communities.
The discovery spread across Australia and to many other countries, due largely to Howard's generosity in publishing articles about clover, supplying seed free of charge around the world, and advising on handling.