Look at the government financial aid supplied every year to developing countries (or to Indian reservations).
More than 2,000 Sukhoi aircraft were supplied to foreign countries on export contracts.
They were manufactured in various variants and supplied to various countries.
In 2006 the company produced around 12,000 vehicles, of which more than two thirds were supplied to other European countries.
Britain is believed to be reluctant because of contractual obligations it may have to supply arms to countries in the Middle East.
But Brazilian business groups see commercial opportunities in supplying advanced equipment to other countries setting up their own ethanol distilleries.
Supplying goods or services from the UK to other countries.
See the section in this guide on supplying goods or services from the UK to other countries.
Belgium supplies weapons to countries such as Nepal, while Germany, for example, had refused to do so.
Israeli companies also supply irrigation, water conservation and greenhouse technologies and know-how to other countries.