That he supported Mussolini and Franco, and reviled the Lincoln Brigade because it was full of Jews.
In 1946 Casals went into musical exile as well, choosing to give no more public concerts except at his music festivals while the Allies supported Franco.
He was notably more libertarian than Tolkien, for all that, who as a Catholic had supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War.
Catholics largely supported Franco and the Nationalist forces in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939.
German troops would advance into Spain to support Franco and expel the British wherever they landed.
The Republican army surrounded around 1,200 rebel civil guards and falangists who supported Franco and forced them to surrender after a protracted offensive.
Dali was a moneygrabbing fascist dog who supported Franco.
Mussolini and Hitler supported Franco, while Stalin sent advisers and arms to his opponents.
They also say that Escrivá supported Franco.